Prope Discoverer este cel mai nou joc pentru iDevices care este construit utilizand platforma Unreal Engine 3 a celor de la Epic Games. Jocul are grafica asemanatoare cu tech demo-ul Epic Citadel lansat in luna septembrie a anului trecut si functioneaza pe toate iDevice-urile care ruleaza iOS 4.3. In cea ce priveste gameplay-ul, dezvoltatorii au pus in fata noastra un adventure game in care trebuie sa colectam anumite carduri care pot fi folosite pentru a deschide noi zone din lumea PD. Dezvoltatorii sustin ca zonele deschise de carti se schimba in mod aleator la fiecare rejucare deci de fiecare data vom avea o experienta complet noua.
Iata descrierea jocului :
Follow the clues and discover the hidden cards! Collect 3 cards to open a new path. Explore the idyllic, sunlit gardens, the eerie and bewildering castle cellars, the surrounding town and its many secrets. And then. Utilizing beautiful 3D graphics from the Unreal Engine for unprecedented realism; So real you’d swear you were actually there! Cards change hiding places on each playthrough, promising a fresh adventure and unlimited replayability.
Jocul costa 2.39€ si este disponbil ca si aplicatie universala.
Descriere: Escape from a castle full of mysteries!With the most advanced graphics to date in an iPhone app, get ready for a 3D game of escape!
*Only run on iPhone4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad2, iPod touch 4th, iPod touch 3rd, or better. Requires iOS 3.2 or later.
The …
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